Our latest and greatest reads:


E-WOD Issue #4

June 05, 20246 min read

The Oxygen Advantage, Matt Wenning, EXCLUSIVE Live Programming Session and Aspirin?

Happy Easter from my girls! And yes, I have a gay uncle, obviously. You think I could make a table look like that^??

x x x


By Jason Brown

Conditioning days...

Ehh I may not warm up.

Lifting? I'm definitely warming up though. My 41 year old body needs it.

Warming up might feel like an annoyance (ahem, Dani), but as we warm up...

Our muscles contract more easily as they become warmer,

Blood vessels, including tiny capillaries, open up, increasing blood supply to the muscles,

The blood releases more oxygen that we will need for our workout, &

Our joints loosen up.

So a 5 minute warmup can boost performance, reduce injury risks, and prepare the body for exercise by improving cardiovascular, muscular, and joint readiness.

Sounds like a good idea.

What are the 5 Essential parts to my warmup?

1. Light Foam Rolling to big musculature x 30-60s per area.

2. Basic correctives: a few sets of bird dogs or thoracic rotations are a great way to 'grease the groove’

3. Activation: bridges, pull-aparts, pushdowns, abduction for a few sets to prepare for the main movements of the day.

4. Warm-up with the key patterns of the day eg. if you're pressing doing some basic pressing with dummbells and if you're hinging hitting the RDL with a moderate weight kettlebell for a few sets.

5. Plyos: Priming the central nervous system via something explosive like a seated jump or a plyo-push. A little bit goes a long way.

Here's a sample Full Body Warm-up:

1. Light Foam Rolling to hip flexors, hamstrings, lats x 30-60s each.

2. Thoracic Rotations: 2 x 10 each side

3a. Glute Bridge: 2 x 5

3b. Banded Pull-up: 2 x 10

4. Kettlebell Complex of: 2 x 3 each - Hinge + Squat + Press + Row

5. Seated Jumps: 3 x 3

Friends don't let friends skip warmups but if you train with us on TrainHeroic, you know we got you there🩶


By Jason Brown

 In my Confident Coach Programming Specialist Certification there's a heavy focus on practical application.

I don't care how much knowledge you have; it's useless if you don't know how to correctly apply.

Programming Scenarios are one of the most valuable things we do on our live weekly calls...

We take a real client that one of our Specialists has worked with (anonymous of course), give our students this client's metrics and life constraints, and then ask them to make the most important decisions for writing their new training program such as training split, modalities, and more.

For a coach, this is a critical piece of client retention process and can be a make-or-break detail.

In this live video, you'll see a real scenario, what direction the coaches on the call decided to go, and what direction I would go based off of the client's information.

This particular call was very powerful.

You'll be surprised the direction I went with this client versus what my students chose...

Enjoy this never-before-shared content!

>> Watch this EXCLUSIVE CCPSC Call here:

🔥🔥Next week I'll be privately reviewing TEN programs submitted by coaches in Fitness Programming Simplified. This is strictly for coaches with ZERO ego that want to improve their skills as a coach. If you're willing to throw your program into the fire and get direct, live feedback from me, Join FPS here.



By Dani Brown

I've been diving into Patrick McKeown's (from The Oxygen Advantage) information on breathing lately and I'm not sure if it's his thick Irish brogue that I like more or his actual content.

Patrick brings a whole new lens to the importance of nasal breathing. 

Jason and I have been nasal breathing for several years now-- mostly taping our mouths shut at night and using nasal breathing during exercise.

Taping your mouth at night sounds extreme but you get used to it quickly; and because the benefits are SO obvious even after doing it once that you won't care that your spouse thinks you've lost it. 

Get them doing it ASAP too. 

Personally after being a chronic mouth breather my entire life, I've had some very noticeable changes in both sleep quality and energy levels since incorporating nasal breathing into our daily routines. 

>> Check out Patrick's 15-minute Ted Talk:

>> The Oxygen Advantage Book:





This week on YouTube we did one program review and one Q&A, Interview-style-video that I loved and has some really great nuggets inside. For this week's pod episode, I dove deep into the Real Coaches Summit, building off the last E-WOD and going a little more personal with my realizations. 


>> Watch Now: Programming Interview Q&A

>> Watch Now: Programming Review - Matt Wenning's

Conjugate Program

>> Listen Now: Ep 40 - Realizations from the Real Coaches Summit 2024




Rx Athlete: Advanced Training For Functional Fitness went LIVE on Sunday and we've already hit 150 athletes 🎉.

Comments on the first day? Check 'em out...


If you're in the market for the best CrossFit program out there, this one's for you. This is EXACTLY the way I trained when I placed highest in all my years of doing the Open, versus the previous 7 years of training pure CrossFit for the Open. 

--> Sign up for your free trial of Rx Athlete here 

- - - 

From TrainHeroic Head Coach, Jarrod "The Mountain" Wyatt

JBC Nation!

During the month of April on both teams, CXC and EVOLV, we are heavily focused on 'Get Strong AF and Chiseled Season'. On both teams athletes can expect to set PRs with 1RMs;  I can’t wait to see some big weights lifted! 

I also want to take a minute to give a quick shout out to two athletes from both our Teams...

From Team CXC we want to give a shout out to Jay Cornell!  Jay is the man and has been with Team JBC for quite some time and he has been one of our most consistent athletes-- he posts daily in the group, encourages others, and in January Jay completed his own test of mental and physical aptitude when he completed the BullPull Challenge, check his FB page for details! Great job Jay, keep up the good work! 

From Team EVOLV we want to recognize Justin Flagg! Justin continues to show up and work his ass off week in and week out!  Justin is also a firefighter and if you follow him on IG you will see he’s also a damn good person!  Great work Justin! We appreciate you! 


If you're looking for the perfect program, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and we can certainly point you in the right direction.  


As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king

JB + DB 


PS - if you have a moment would you give us your opinion on E-WOD? There may be a free gift involved 😌⇩



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